I’ve been doing student feedback reflections recently. As much as I stressed to students to take this seriously, I was always going to get a bunch of silly suggestions. So, without comment, here are some of them.
Give us stuff. Mostly food.
- Mr carter should start bringing us food so we are more motivated.
- Give rewards to people who finish all of there work.
- Give us prizes.
- Give us pizza.
- Give us all the answers.
- More food involved lessons.
Change your style.
- Start growing a beard.
- Stop shaving.
- Change the lack of beard.
- Change your serious lack of facial hair!
- Grow a moustache.
- Start wearing better clothes.
- Stop wearing bad clothes.
- Change your hair style.
- You should strut into the classroom with your shades on with The real slim shady playing from your massive speaker as you get to the front of the class you whip your shades off and start spitting mad rhymes and start krumping like a boss.
Keep your style.
- Keep the swag.
- Stop nothing.
- Being a legend.
- Keep keeping on.
- You should keep on being swag, and keep everything that’s in your class.
I don’t know what to say.
- Start teaching maths. Stop teaching maths. Keep teaching maths. Change teaching maths.
- Stop teaching algebra! (Multiple ones of this, with some variation of “maths shouldn’t have letters” thrown in for good measure.)
- Keep the carpet clean.
- Let us throw things around the room.
- Stop, drop and roll when there’s a fire.
- Needs more death metal blaring out of the Smartboard when we are doing bookwork.
- You should change nothing because you’re a lad of a teacher and your teaching skills are maaaaaaadddd, keep up the good work.
- Change tomatoes into potatoes.